We believe to meet the challenges and skill demands of the current and future job markets, so we need to shape TAFE accordingly by funding and creating more opportunities for apprenticeships and by involving supporting businesses and traders. There is a dream job or trade for everyone in our society. We just need to tap these opportunities properly and channel the expertise to young seekers.
TAFE apprenticeships and vocational education courses enable young and current workers in every state to gain the skills they need to enter the workforce. TAFE cuts are simply putting the workforce out of work. Instead, states can utilize and focus on how to improve the quality of skills needed for today and future challenges.
Trade and upskilling will be a major factor in the coming years as most of the jobs will be automated. Thus, there is a gap that will widen if we do not have the resources necessary to meet this demand. Technology is growing and will continue to grow in the coming years, so all businesses will need to upskill their current workforce. TAFE can play a vital role when we provide businesses with the opportunity to upskill their workers.
Governments should provide platforms and resources for TAFE and business owners. TAFE needs to be funded and we need to stop thinking of courses and make it the center of state resource for skills so that entry-level jobs can be filled from these institutes. Apprenticeship initiatives and support should be provided to integrate best practices for the industry and to establish active skill resource centers.
United People's Party is committed to TAFE development and upgrading the skills of young Australians and current workers.